Monday, January 7, 2008


... direction; purpose; focus; motivation or insight into current situations or relationships? Life causing too many ???'s and wondering why your life is unfolding in the way that it is; or what this may mean? Unsure of which way to turn right now in decision-making?
LIFE can often present as an enigma full of paradox's; and it's 'always' been in 'OUR' Human Job Description to find our own way through our mazes. Therefore, no one has the right to tell us how we should or shouldn't be doing things. For no path is the wrong path; for something is always gained and learned in the process of exploring each. Yet when the chips feel down or Life feels particularly challenging these are the times when we can find much comfort and insights to be gained from seeking the advice offered from a High Perspective Mentor. Our Guides, Friends and Angels of the 'Higher' Realms are (and throughout these lifetimes have continued to be) fully committed to fulfilling these roles of Mentor for us whenever we deem it appropriate to seek their Guidance. From their current vantage point position they can see the overall picture of our lives and its intended aims, reason and purpose. So their Advice and/or Guidance on the options available to us in any area will often prove to be invaluable in providing greater clarity of approach and insights that we can then choose to utilise 'or not' in positive ways.
However their advice will often 'not' come 'unbidden'; for there is also a Universial Law of 'Non Intervention' which governs our World and which decrees that in many instances: to be 'GIVEN' ... first we need to (request) 'ASK'. For no Higher Realm BE-ing would ever risk violating a freedom of choice; which are always considered sacred and to be respected from a Higher Perspective Viewpoint and toward our Greater Good, ultimately ... regardless of whether current choices can be seen to be working well for us and enhancing our Lives Experiences in positive ways, or making us happy, not not! Yet when we 'SEEK' often we will 'FIND' that greater clarity is provided that can assist us easier to make wiser choices for our overall betterment and success.
WE ARE ALL POWERFUL SPIRITUAL BE-ING'S currently playing out the Game of being Human and exploring our options of Life Experiences, right now; and as such we have already 'earned' the right of Universal Support and so much More! We are constantly advised that the true merit lays not in any outcome achieved while here, but more ... that we have chosen to make these journey's at all. For as such we are already recognised as some of the bravest Souls in Creation! Yet whoever said these journey's weren't also intended to be Joyous and Fulfilling, too?
... Please leave you comment here and I will contact you!
In Love & Light
** On your request a personalised (specific to you!) Reading will be emailed to you for print out and referral, as desired; or can be posted here if this is your referrance.